sâmbătă, 31 august 2013

Travian Bot

Travian Bot

Latest Update released on August 7th 2013, can now be downloaded.
What is travian bot?
Travian bot is a software coded in Python programming language to completely automate the travian gameplay. It can automatically execute all tasks from farming to attack and defense and a whole lot. Due to the fact that it is coded in Python, it can be run from almost all operation systems including Windows XP/7, Mac OS X and various Linux/Unix distros.
Is travian bot free?
Yes, it is completely free software. You are free to download, use and share the software as you see fit. We only ask you to complete a simple one minute free-registration process to gain unlimited access to the software and all future updates.
Is travian bot undetectable?
Yes. The software has been coded in such a way that it mimics the way normal human play the game. We have thoroughly tested across 50 accounts using the most aggressive and fastest settings. Till now not a single account has been banned or suspended even temporarily. You can be assured that your account is in safe hands.
Is the software updated regularly?
Travian bot is managed like any other professional software. We continually release new updates whenever necessary. The last software update was on 10th of April 2013.
Using my automation bot you can completely automate the whole travian game and entirely change the pace and style with which you play.

What all can the bot do?

In a Nutshell:
  • Attack anything and everything.
  • Automated Army Builder and Improvement/Upgrade.
  • Automated Increase in Various Resource levels and Construction/Building Levels.
  • Analyzer – Analyzes nearby villages for particular resources you will gain in great quantities if you raid them.
Automated-Farming: Now all your farm resource tiles will be maxed out at the fastest possible speed. Bot will keep monitoring your village to deploy value and resources as soon as they are available to automatically farm in travian game.
Automated-Attacks: This one is the best feature of the whole software. Travian bot works with every attack and defense strategy and I have a few pre-loaded attack strategies for different conditions.
Automated-Construction: The software is also capable of constructing various buildings like town hall, warehouse, cranny et cetera at the click of a single button. Just in case there is lack of instant labor availability the task is scheduled for later on and resumes as soon as suitable resources are available.
Advanced Tracking: Closely monitor your progress in the game using a set of different graphs and data sets which allow you to have a broader look at how you have been advancing over the days in gameplay.
Using the bot you will also be able to transfer and transport variety of resources between your numerous villages easily and quickly.
Village Analyzer: You can tell my travian tool to monitor any certain village (yours or your opponent’s). It will closely monitor the growth in the villages resources and population. By at the timing of population increase, the bot can estimate the online timings of your co-players.
Army Builder: As you progress into more advanced stage of the game, your army is the single-most important factor for deciding whether your village will thrive or not. Use this amazing feature to build a fullproof army. Such army should be good in all aspects of the game including offense, defense and speed. Recovery time and damage caused are also very important factors.
Attack notifier feature will inform you about any incoming attacks on your village while you are away by sending message on your email and instant messaging service. This is especially important as it will allow you to resurrect a defense before your opponents can deal you a fatal blow.
God Mode Attacker allows you to attack any certain village by attacking your opponent’s village using armies stationed in all your villages, at a time you co-player least expects it. By the time he realizes what is going on, you would have executed your plans.
Automated Village coordinator allows easy and effective sharing of resources and clubbing of army whenever required. You are as weak as your weakest point, travian bot tries to balance all your villages automatically so you are less prone to attacks.
As for the bugs, we have not encountered a single bug in the past 4 months using travian bot. Keep in mind that the software has been constantly updated in the past months. My team of programmers devote their free time to this project for free just for the satisfaction of helping someone out. I hope they were able to do justice to the time they have spent on it.
The software allows you to complete most of the tasks in travian game at the click of button. The GUI is very professional and not confusing at all like other stupid automation tools. The software has been coded in Java to be OS independent. So it does not matter if you are using Windows or Mac…. or even Linux/Unix. The software works flawlessly on all system.







Interdiction to write to you now how to easily crack a facebook user.

1. click this icon
now you see the facebook users who have been added.

2. duble click any user which have been added.

3. Fill out the form.
write the date in completing the earlier date. 2005 or 2006.

4. click and see the password :) 
